% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το PRINT
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Τι (ποιος) είναι PRINT - ορισμός

Prints; Print (disambiguation); PRINT

(prints, printing, printed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
If someone prints something such as a book or newspaper, they produce it in large quantities using a machine.
He started to print his own posters to distribute abroad...
Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper...
We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media.
VERB: V n, be V-ed prep/adv, V-ed
In American English, print up means the same as print
Community workers here are printing up pamphlets for peace demonstrations...
Hey, I know what, I'll get a bumper sticker printed up.
PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), have/get n V-ed
His brother ran a printing and publishing company.
...stocks of paper and printing ink.
N-UNCOUNT: oft N n
If a newspaper or magazine prints a piece of writing, it includes it or publishes it.
We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address.
...a questionnaire printed in the magazine recently.
= publish
VERB: V n, V-ed
If numbers, letters, or designs are printed on a surface, they are put on it in ink or dye using a machine. You can also say that a surface is printed with numbers, letters, or designs.
...the number printed on the receipt...
The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products...
The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern...
'Ecu' was printed in lower case rather than capital letters.
VERB: V-ed, V n on n, be V-ed with n, be V-ed prep/adv
A print is a piece of clothing or material with a pattern printed on it. You can also refer to the pattern itself as a print.
In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints.
...multi-coloured print jackets.
When you print a photograph, you produce it from a negative.
Printing a black-and-white negative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect...
VERB: V n onto/from n
A print is a photograph from a film that has been developed.
...black and white prints of Margaret and Jean as children.
...35mm colour print films.
A print of a cinema film is a particular copy or set of copies of it.
A print is one of a number of copies of a particular picture. It can be either a photograph, something such as a painting, or a picture made by an artist who puts ink on a prepared surface and presses it against paper.
...William Hogarth's famous series of prints.
Print is used to refer to letters and numbers as they appear on the pages of a book, newspaper, or printed document.
...columns of tiny print...
Laser printers give high quality print.
The print media consists of newspapers and magazines, but not television or radio.
I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
If you print words, you write in letters that are not joined together and that look like the letters in a book or newspaper.
Print your name and address on a postcard and send it to us.
You can refer to a mark left by someone's foot as a print.
He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.
...boot prints.
You can refer to invisible marks left by someone's fingers as their prints.
Fresh prints of both girls were found in the flat.
= fingerprint
N-COUNT: usu pl
see also printing
If you appear in print, or get into print, what you say or write is published in a book, newspaper, or magazine.
Many of these poets appeared in print only long after their deaths...
PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR
The small print or the fine print of something such as an advertisement or a contract consists of the technical details and legal conditions, which are often printed in much smaller letters than the rest of the text.
I'm looking at the small print; I don't want to sign anything that I shouldn't sign...
1) to develop; make a print
printed state
2) in print; out of print (I have not seen the story in print; the book is out of print)
text of a contract
3) the fine, small print (people should always read the fine print)
printed letters
4) clear; large; small print
impression made by type
5) dark; light print
v. to print smt. (in) boldface; in italics; in Roman
I. v. a.
Impress, imprint, press.
Make an impress or impression of.
Stamp, form by impression.
II. n.
Impression, impress, mark, stamp, indentation.
Mark, vestige, stamp.
Newspaper, journal.
Calico, printed cotton cloth.



Print or printing may also refer to:

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για PRINT
1. It's your choice, print one, print 100.
The New Industrial Revolution _ Chris Anderson _ Talks at Google
2. print magazines.
Women on Food _ Charlotte Druckman _ Talks at Google
3. thumb print.
Instant -The Story of Polaroid _ Christopher Bonanos _ Talks at Google
4. People print molds, they print jigs,
Big Data of the Nervous System _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
5. The print.
The Lens is the Brush _ Vincent Versace _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για PRINT
1. If the photographic print meets the Print Size, Print Color, and Compositional Specifications, scan the print using the following scanner specifications.
2. Snapfish: 10p a print + ''p p&p = 3.3' Truprint:10p a print + ''p p&p = 3.3' Pixdiscount: 7p a print + 1.80 processing charge = 3.48 Tesco stores: 15p a print = 3.60 Bonusprint: 12p a print + 1.50 p&p = 4.38 Epson PictureMate: 20p a print = 4.80 Kodak: 15p a print + 1.3' p&p = 4.'' Jessops: 15p a print +1.50 p&p = 5.10 Colourmailer: 16p + 2.1' p&p = 6.03 Snappy Snaps: 30p a print = 7.20
3. If you want to be in print I shall put you in print.
4. "We do not print the papers –– the government does not print the papers," he said.
5. Ask yourself if you really need to print out an item and where you will keep the print out before you print it from your computer.